
Saturday 9 November 2013

A post for my MSE friends.

If you followed me over on MoneySavingExpert you'll know I've not been around for a while.  I keep an eye on my babies (the threads I started/ actively participated on) to make sure everyone is still going well on their projects and love talking to those who are now facebook friends.

I rarely have time to read threads in their entirety and post on them since my blogging took over my life (lol). My diary was the most amazing start to my blogging and I am so grateful for everyone who followed it.

Cross-Stitch Cafe
I had a chance to venture back yesterday to break some very sad news about a forum member. It was hard for me to give sad news of her death as I felt too far away from her (not an immediate friend/ family) however we knew she had been ill for over a year and I know others on the site were concerned about her as she had been inactive for a while. As the 'owner' of the "cross-stitch cafe", a craft thread, for so long I felt I had a responsibility to arrange a memorial in her memory).  I was overwhelmed with the response from everyone and it reminded me why I loved the forum in the first place.  And then a post that spoilt the atmosphere appeared and I was reminded why I left.

The tribute FLICKR group has been set up here.  You will need to be approved so please let me know if you ask to join and I'll get onto it as soon as possible.    You do not need to be a member of the cafe to leave a photo tribute but I do ask you pass me your MSE name too to avoid spam.
p.s. for those who don't recognise it Eeyore has been borrowed from the pictures of Soulie's completed works.

£365 in 365 days
I have been asked if I will be reinstating the £365 in 365 days thread next year.  This is a challenge I started a couple of years ago where you put £1 in a pot every day for year.  You can either start the challenge in December so you have the £365 in time for Christmas shopping or start in January so you have it for the January sales.  Needless to say I failed miserably both years by having to open my pot early to pay off credit cards or for the kids to have a bit of extra spending money on holiday.   However 2014 will be the year of new house, new me, new spending and LOTS of debt to pay off.  I am determined to keep a much better reign on my finances (simple cause we cannot afford any more debt!).  I will be running the £365 in 365 days on my blog if anyone would like to join in please let me know.  I may even get really technical and make a badge for you to display :).

In memory of Soulie

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