
Sunday 22 December 2013

101 (ish) things to do with the kids..........

Whilst visiting a farm on holiday with the boys I can across the National Trust's 50 things to do before you are 11 and 3/4.
One of our local schools also has a list ..... 100 things to do before you leave primary school.

OK so my boys are only 2 and a half and 5 but when I look at these lists I can tick off hardly anything already which is quite disappointing. I am therefore going to make 2014 a year of DOING.
Some of these challenges are definitely aimed at older children (so I have missed them off for the time being).  I won't be disappointed if we don't manage everything on this list but even if we can tick off 52 of them in 2014 I'll be a happy mummy.

So through a combination of these 2 lists and some of my own here is my "101 (ish) things to do with the kids" list.

Why don't you join us?? Perhaps choose 4 or 5 a month to achieve?

We've already done some this year which I might link up to, and may complete some more this year if I can (but with so much going on it won't be a deliberate effort).  Some of them I am sure will be ticked off numerous times in their childhood.

  • build a den
  • sew a button
  • go for a paddle in the sea
  • sleep in a tent
  • blow bubbles
  • make cakes
  • play 'pooh sticks'
  • throw a water bomb
  • play conkers
  • perform a poem
  • hold an exotic animal
  • fly a kite
  • go to the theatre  November 2013 - cbeebies Mr Bloom
  • roll down a hill
  • explore a rock pool
  • hear live music
  • build a sandcastle
  • build a snowman
  • swim a length of the pool
  • climb with a harness
  • ride a bike without stabilisers
  • play a musical instrument  November 2013 - cbeebies, Rastamouse, ukulele.
  • perform in a Nativity play Ben - December 2013 (a king)
  • be in a show (that isn't the Nativity)
  • make your footprint in paint
  • make your handprint in paint
  • eat something you grew
  • build a mud pie
  • skim a stone  21st December 2013 - Rivelin
  • watch the sun wake up
  • toast a marshmallow around a campfire
  • go on a walk at night
  • catch a snowflake on your tongue
  • follow a map
  • learn a magic trick
  • play in a team
  • finish a board game
  • record your voice
  • make a paper aeroplane that can fly
  • make a healthy packed lunch
  • make your bed
  • go on a treasure hunt
  • visit a castle
  • visit a cathedral
  • visit a farm
  • visit a zoo
  • bounce on a trampoline  january 2014+
  • use four different types of transport  - bus, tram
  • go on a ride at a funfair
  • complete a walk in the Peak District
  • visit an art gallery
  • make a present
  • tell the time
  • move house November 2013
  • sit through a film at the cinema January 2014 - Despicable Me 2
  • enter a race
  • make a card
  • be able to tell 5 jokes
  • go to a museum  January 2014 - Weston Park
  • communicate with somebody in another country
  • write a thank you letter
  • make and wear a costume
  • plan a party
  • bake bread
  • send an invitation
  • have a snowball fight
  • receive an award
  • lick a bowl out
  • get yourself ready for school  Ben - lots of times!
  • play hide and seek
  • use a rope swing
  • go bowling
  • have a dance off
  • help to make pancakes
  • wash a car
  • make a junk model
  • make a lego model
  • tell a story
  • join a club
  • make up a game
  • lay a table
  • wash up
  • watch something made before you were born
  • play top trumps
  • feed an animal
  • make a balloon model
  • take a photograph
  • climb a tree
  • run around in the rain
  • catch a fish with a net
  • eat an apple straight from the tree
  • enjoy a BBQ
  • make a trail with sticks
  • dam a stream
  • make a snow angel
  • make a daisy chain
  • set up a snail race
  • create some wild art
  • jump over waves
  • pick blackberries growing in the wild
  • pick strawberries
  • explore inside a tree
  • go on a walk barefoot
  • hunt for fossils and bones
  • go star gazing
  • climb a huge hill
  • go sledging
  • explore a cave
  • hunt for bugs
  • find some frogspawn
  • catch a falling leaf
  • do a bark rubbing
  • go pond dipping
  • build a raft
  • go bird watching
  • ride a horse
  • find a geocache

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