
Thursday 5 December 2013

To Do List 6th December - 12th December 2013

We're all moved and settled in..... but thats a blog post for my to-do list. I have got soooo much to do between now and Christmas it's rediculous but new house, new beginnings and I need to stay on top of things.

so, in no particular order......

1) Blog post - moving house
2) Blog post - Tuneful Tuesday
3) Blog update - wooden advent calendar
4) Blog updates - elf shenanigans
5) B&M (see shopping list) except I forgot the shopping list, forgot the toilet brush and still spent £40!
6) Book/ put away Asda shopping - Booked for Friday
7) Help Ben write his Christmas cards.
8) Must make those Gingerbread muffins
9) Try and work out what else I need for Christmas pressies
10) Finish filing all the paperwork
11) put away the old house paperwork in envelopes
12) chase up Blundells re: refund.
13) message new property management place re: roof, doors, kitchen
14) put up outside storage
15) buy a chain for outdoor toys
16) sort thro a few more boxes  wahoo my bedroom now looks like a bedroom and not a box room.
17) meal plan
18) send change of address letters
19) enter the science sparks christmas challenge.  here

....... to be continued.

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