
Sunday 19 January 2014

Ursula Michael's "Lets Trick or Treat" - Progress Update 19th January 2014

Progress is slow on this piece as I am rather addicted to Lego Marvel on the PS3 and spend most of my spare time playing that when I'm not blogging.   I am, however, trying to dedicate 1 night a week to stitching.

I am itching to get this piece finished tho as I want to crack on with the boys DC superhero afghan that I started ages ago ... tho I really ought to see if I can find an Iron Man, Spiderman and Hulk to put on it as they are the favourites in this house at the moment.

This is where I left the Halloween piece all the way back in October:

I was sure I'd updated since then but I can't have done, so actually it looks as if I've done loads ....

Here's today's progress:

Just 2 sides of border left to do - I am setting myself a deadline of the end of the month...... watch this space.

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