
Monday 29 September 2014

Christmas Planning - Week 5: Bathroom Week

A little late (sorry) but it means that I can bring you my new hashtag a week early (so not all bad than) .... let me introduce #MistletoeMonday.   Organised will return to Sundays again this weekend and Mondays will be full of festive ideas, treats, and exciting reviews to get you in the mood.  After all there is only 87 more sleeps.

Well after blogging about them we headed to Tesco last week and picked up a tub of Heroes for £4.  I wanted to get a tub of the rowntree ones too but they didn't have any :(  I have now been assured by
Tesco they have them in at my local so think I'll pay them a visit on the way home tomorrow and see if they still do.

I think I've already mentioned it but the boys have got their advent calendars already after they spotted them in Poundland the other weekend.

Add to that a few other little bits we have that I've collected as I go along.
4 x Photo Books (a great offer from Albelli/ Amazon that I WILL get round to blogging about very soon).
2 pairs of Christmas socks (that I actually got sometime at the beginning of the year - probably in the January sales).
2 Monkey onesies (not shown as buried in a box somewhere) that again I got at the beginning of the year in Primark's sale for (I think) £4 each.
some Christmas sellotape and sticky labels that I found in B&M when I was in there the other day.

I think I'm doing pretty well.  I have absolutely no idea what the kids want this year ....... well I do Lego and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle figures.  They have SOOO much Lego that part of me doesn't want to get them any more, but I know the pleasure they get from it.
I also have a real hatred for plastic figures.  I detest spending £10 on 1 TMNT when I am pretty sure that given a couple of months it'll find its way to the toybox and never be seen again.

I'll be getting them Lego Batman 3 - Santa always brings a PS3 game as a family present, I just need to look out for a good price.

So lets take a look at what this weeks Organized Christmas suggests,,,,,,,,,remember as always I am only pulling out the bits that relate to me, you'll want to take a look at the full one here.

Bathroom/ Linen

Check out/ update the medicine cabinet.  Did you know that storing these in the bathroom is actually not a good idea as the humidity can affect them.  Ours are mainly kept in the kitchen cupboard... I say mainly because I am a bad mummy and do keep some next to my bed.  The kids know not to touch them but I really should move them because you just never know what goes through their minds.

Check your first aid supplies.  There is nothing worse then slicing your finger carving the turkey (well chicken in our case) and not having a plaster in the right size.

Look at the towels and bath mat- are they nice or nasty?  We have some lovely towels, however we also have some stained , marked and fraying ones.... can I justify new ones tho while they still do their job?  NO.  I will need to buy a couple of new seasonal ones tho as I think mine were getting past their best last year.

Clean! -well at least I can tick one thing off ....... pretty sure it'll need redoing before Chrstmas tho :)

Christmas Preperations

Work at least 1 hour a day on homemade gifts - I've not done any work on this yet.

Take toys and books that are outgrown, clean them up and prepare them for donation to charity.   I may not have attacked the kids rooms yet as its not that easy at the weekend when everything you throw away they MUST keep because it is their favourite ever.   I did however give 5 large bin liners and a load of crockery to MIND on Sunday.

Make list of toys and books that children would enjoy and that would fit in their rooms and that would work with what they have. Keep it hand for telling family what they would like.   This is a great idea as like I said I am stumped.

Inventory clothing and have another list of clothing items needed. The boys don't really need clothes at the moment but Ben will in the next size up.   They are both outgrowing their superhero jogging bottoms so that's something for their Christmas pressie list.

So my to-do list now stands at:
1) complete Christmas card list
2) sort out the front room - must shift/ sort out the Lego .... I started ... well ok I did 2 small models
3) make up the Christmas cards .... do I need any more?
4) decide on/ start the kids Christmas cards
5) get a couple of box of chocs and some snacks in ready.  - started
6) start meal planning
7) sort out the Christmas crockery/ table covers etc
8) Toys in the Argos sale.Unfortunately most of Argos stuff my boys like is now home delivery only and they let us down this way a couple of years ago not delivering a Christmas present then telling me lies and making it a horrible experience.
9) tidy/ sort my room - started
10) take a look at last years wooden advent calender. I'd like to do 'something' to it but at the moment I don't know what.  Perhaps I'll do 'it' over the Christmas season ready for next year.
11) Medicines
12) First Aid
13) Get new Christmas Towels
14) get rid of old toys/ books.
15) Start planning the Chrstmas gifts for boys.
16) Look at what clothes are in Ben's 'bigger' box and what they are outgrowing.

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