
Friday 14 November 2014

The Christmas Tag

Please join in with this fun Christmas game that Leanne put on her blog.(

Here are my answers....

1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie/s?

My favourite Christmas Movie of all time is Muppets Christmas Carol.  Personally, and I remember causing great controversy over this earlier in the year, I loved the "When Love is Gone" song and disapointed it has been removed from the DVD release I bought to replace my video.
  The scene seems far too short without it.

2. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?

We always open our presents on Christmas morning, although before the kids me and hubby used to gve each other a pressie at midnight.

Every year I aim to spread the presents out like we used to as a child but every year so far they have opened, and abandoned, by 10am.  However when the boys were only a couple of years old they used to get soo many bits that they were still opening them on Boxing Day.

My ideal pressie 'schedule' would be:
Get up - stockings and then breakfast.
Mummy/ daddy/ kids to each other then lunch
other pressies before tea
'tree presents' before bed..... I'll explain what these are in question 3.

3. Do you have a favorite Christmas memory?

One of my Christmas memories is of 'tree presents'

This tradition stemed from when I was little, we went to my gradparents every Christmas Day with the rest of the family (aunties, uncles, cousins).

Every family had a budget (started at £2 ended up after 18 years at around £5) budget.  The present had to be a novelty gift and had to be light enough to hang on the branches of the real Christmas tree.
little me at Christmas

After tea the oldest children (me and my sister :) ) had great fun finding all the tree presents and distributing them.  As the family got bigger with more and more cousins being born the tree was getting a little weighed down so 'tree presents' kept the same tradition but went in a box or santas sack filled with polystyrene or paper to make the hunt fun.

4. Favourite festive food?


Tree Chocolates.  Whilst all the boxes/ tins of chocolates are great there is something very special about eating a chocolate off the tree.

Christmas dinner is also pretty good tho.  We don't like turkey so it's chicken and gammon.

5. Favourite Christmas gift?

This is a tough one, I get so many lovely presents.  I guess my biggest/ best present has to have been my engagement ring - yes hubby proposed on Christmas Day.

6. Favourite Christmas scent?

I'm not a perfumy person really.  The only fragrance I will wear are the J-Lo range (but not the Live, I don't like them).  My favouite one has to be 'Miami'.  I am currently working my way through a huge bottle of 'blue' that I have been told I need to finish before hubby will buy me any more.

7. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?

We've no real Christmas Eve traditions.  I am trying to implement a Christmas Eve hamper but every year something happens which means this doesn't.  This year tho I've almost finshed it so fingers crossed the tradition will start!

Our biggest Christmas tradition however is Elf on a Shelf.  For the last few years Ben Elf has been to stay and cause havoc and Christmas, last year he bought Holly Berry and elf-in-training.  This year I have plans for a baby reindeer to come :)

And Santa ...... we have to go see Santa.  This year my mum has tickets for them to see him in the BT tower (London) on the Sunday before Christmas ....... very excited.

8. What tops your tree?

Normally a star.  But every year we get it out to find one of the points broken and need to buy a new one.  As the oldest Ben loves being the one who gets to put it on.  


9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?

I don't know to be honest.  I can't think of anything.... I always fancied a Mr Frosty and never got one :(

10. What's the best part about Christmas for you?

Being with the boys and seeing their faces ........ followed a close second by Christmas songs.

If you'd like to take part please answer the following questions on your blog.

1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie/s?
2. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
3. Do you have a favorite Christmas memory?
4. Favourite festive food?
5. Favourite Christmas gift?
6. Favourite Christmas scent?
7. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
8. What tops your tree?
9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?
10. What's the best part about Christmas for you?


  1. I love the idea of 'tree presents' and totally agree with you about tree chocolate tasting a bit special :)

  2. Great post!
    I actually wonder if anyone actually did get a Mr Frosty! I think they are just a

  3. I LOVE the sound of those tree presents, this is a wonderful idea that I will try and do this year, or definitely next. The Muppets Christmas carol is definitely one of the best Christmas films ever. Thanks for linking up to #ChristmasCountdown
