
Tuesday 30 December 2014

Chickywiggle's guide to .... Christmas Party Food

This season we have mostly been eating and ... well yup that's pretty much it.  From roast dinners to party food to chocolate you name it, we've eaten it.  But that's what Christmas is all about right?  **tucks into another piece of shortbread**

I did a big online food shop that was delivered on Monday 22nd.  To be honest the experience I had using the app was far from perfect.  I booked the slot in good time and it was really convenient to open the app wherever I was to be able to add an item (or delete one if I got it cheaper somewhere else).  Every time I went in to add an item tho the chicken in the basket became unavailable and I had to replace it with another.  5 times this happened in the run up to the delivery and I was beginning to think I would have to go shopping somewhere else on Christmas eve.  Thankfully I was able to add the original chicken to my order the night before so Christmas was saved.

Tesco had kindly sent me some money off vouchers as part of the Orchard Programme for their Finest* Party Food.  It wasn't easy to find these online (as I've said before our online Finest* range is not brilliant) but with some googling and looking at what others had purchased I discovered there was more to the Party Food range then I first thought.... couldn't get the profiteroles tho :(

Our Tesco Finest* Party Food  range helped out in 3 meals over the festive period.

Meal 1 - Christmas Dinner - Pigs in Blankets - £3
(these may have been eaten to quickly for a good picture - you can just about spot them on Ben's huge plate of dinner)

These cooked up into really soft pork sausages wrapped in flavorsome streaky bacon.  Coming in a pack of 12 they were perfect for a family of 4 (with some left over for mummy while washing up).

Ben couldn't remember having these before and said they were the best part of his Christmas dinner.  That's a win I think :)

Meal 2 - Party Tea (Christmas Day) - Mozzarella Sticks - £3

No one wants to eat a lot for tea on Christmas Day and we are no different. The kids love a party tea so a party tea is just what we had.

With crisps, crackers, cheese, eggs and ham these warm Mozzarella sticks were perfect (and taste just like the triangles you get in a famous Pizza restaurant).

Whilst these are only around for Christmas I think we'll be trying out the alternative version later in the year.

Meal 3 - Boxing Day Tea - Southern Fried Chicken Party Pops- £3

We love having Southern Fried chicken nights.  Normally we buy a cheaper bag of pops which do a few meals and homecook some chips.  But unfortunately we had spent so long playing with Lego that it was 6pm before we knew it and I didn't have time to make any chips...... so I did what any good mum would do ...... raided the freezer.  Pants - no chips in there either.  In fact there was nothing that a) everyone would eat or b) would feed everyone in there.... so with an assortment of waffles, potato pockets and hash browns in the oven I opened the Chicken pops.  It became clear that this was not going to be enough for 4 starving people (maybe on paper it is but not in reality), fortunately I had some leftover in the freezer so cooked them up to.

We loved the mini boxes to serve them up in if you were having a party.

You could definitely tell which were the Finest* ones and everyone commented on how yummy they were.


It's a shame this party food range was just for Christmas and hopefully Tesco will consider repackaging it and making it a permanent fixture.

Quick tho as the Finest* Party Food range is only available for delivery until 31st December but it is freezable and is on a 3 for 2 offer until 5th January (yup I couldn't work that out either).  So you should be able to pick some up for New Years Eve celebrations.

Every time I look at the range I find something new that wasn't there last time I looked so I may pop out later and see what I can find.

Disclaimer: I received a discount code from the Tesco Orchard Programme to spend on Tesco Finest* Party Food online so we could try it and tell you all about it. As always the information, ideas and opinions remain my own


  1. I love Tesco''s party food....I couldn't get a delivery slot for New Year but we had quite a bit over Christmas :) x

    1. tis yummy isn't it :) I only do an online shop every couple of weeks as so easy to nip to the supermarket across the road for top ups. next Orchard trial for me is fish can't wait to get something yummy.
