
Sunday 7 December 2014

Christmas Planning Week 15: Finish-Up Week

It's now or never, there's only 2 more weekends to go before the big day.  I'm now in a proper sorting and organising mood as I only have 9 days of no work (ohhh on that note I only have 7 more days of work.... YAY)

I've wrapped the presents that need posting, just got to sort out all the cards this week and mail everything off.  

I love the idea of delegating chores to the kids, Ben seems to be in a very helpful mood at the moment (wonder why?!)

I'm flying on the organisation front.... but sadly lacking on the sorting and cleaning.  In fact I've wrapped almost everything and working on Christmas Eve hamper.... must add a box to my shopping list.

Our elf and his friends is here and having a great time (I'll try and pop a post up about it) and the 24 books of advent is going down a treat (again post to follow).

Christmas Season is well and truly in full swing with Ben's Christmas play at school tomorrow and Noah's next week.  Our trip to Santa is planned for the 21st and I'm super excited.

Let's take a look where I'm up to.....

To-Do list update.
1) complete Christmas card list - yes I know, so easy but I've still not done it.
2) sort out the living room - must shift/ sort out the Lego .... I started ... well ok I did 2 small models  Lego is now upstairs and the room is getting there.  I must remove all the paper bits that get dumped around and prepare to switch the books over to winter themed.  As sorted as it's going to get!!
3) make up the Christmas cards .... do I need any more?
4) decide on/ start the kids Christmas cards - started :) ordered
5) get a couple of box of chocs and some snacks in ready.  - now have 2 tubs and a few bags.  Moving to 'shopping list'
6) start meal planning and plan Christmas Day meal - start a list of food to buy and when to buy it. 
7) sort out the Christmas crockery/ table covers etc - started - now in shopping list,
8) Toys in the Argos sale.Unfortunately most of Argos stuff my boys like is now home delivery only and they let us down this way a couple of years ago not delivering a Christmas present then telling me lies and making it a horrible experience.
9) tidy/ sort my room - started done (for now)
10) take a look at last years wooden advent calendar. I'd like to do 'something' to it but at the moment I don't know what.  Perhaps I'll do 'it' over the Christmas season ready for next year.
11) Medicines Moving to 'shopping list' 
12) First Aid Moving to 'shopping list'
13) Get new Christmas Towels Moving to 'shopping list'
14) get rid of old toys/ books.   Now under number 18
15) Start planning the Christmas gifts for boys. - started all planned and most bought.
16) Look at what clothes are in Ben's 'bigger' box and what they are outgrowing.   Now under number 18
17) check smoke detectors - hubby's job as I can't reach them easily.  Safe to say they don't work, hubby needs to fix them!!
18) Kids room tidy  (from week 6)         
               Shelves/ cupboards - examine, toss/save/donate, replace onto shelves.         
               Games/ Puzzles - sort them out and bin any with missing pieces.         
               Get rid of old magazines, old McDonald toys, toys in pieces, broken crayons, non-functional pens.         
               Clothing - too small, old?         
               Wash curtains - yay I did this.        
               Clean/ tidy under the bed   - tick - moved the furniture so had to.         
               Clean the windows,  dust any wooden furniture.         
              Clean the floors/ hoover - tick, when we moved the furniture.
 19) Kitchen         
              Clean and tidy the wall units, then the bottom cabinets then the counters.         
              Check any open boxes of food/ storage for bugs        
              Wipe down empty shelves        
              Check medicines for expiry dates        
              Clean all appliances inside and out (refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave, toaster, hob, oven)               
              Sink - don't forget to send cleaner down the u-bend.
20) make place cards  
21) dining room
            Clean the window and windowsill 
            Empty all drawers, shelving etc.   Put back - or put in other places if they don't belong there. 
            Declutter! (bin? charity? some where else? storage?) 
            Remove all furniture, and clean the floors and baseboards. 
            Dust/ clean furniture   

We are pretty prepared for Christmas present wise now... just a few bits to get....   

Christmas shopping list

1) Kids - Tablet...each/ between them?  On the lookout for a good deal if anyone sees one.    I think we've settled on the Lexibook.between them for now. Done.
2) Kids - Santa bath bombs (x32) from Lush - Christmas Eve Hamper and 1 each for stockings. I managed to find a TMNT bath fizzer in Tesco for Christmas Eve.
3) 2 x Olaf T-shirts (I've given up on Primark getting them in a suitable size so now looking elsewhere).  Found in Primark - £5 each with long sleeves.
4) some more jelly sweets.  bought a tub of swizzles.
5) hubby's presents ... whatever they end up being.  one down, just need to find a gold chain to replace the one he's had for years that broke.  Scrap the chain - will get one if I see one.... really struggling at the moment.
6) A waffle maker (on Grandad's behalf for the kids).  done.
7) Lush - build your own snowman, for my niece.  (soo cool).  found a hottie I bought earlier in year I forgot about..
8) wrapping paper - I have some but need to get the ones for the kidsdone
9) Medicine stash
10) First Aid stash
11) New Christmas Towels.  We've loads of towels so going to leave this for this year and look after Christmas in the sales for next year.
12) Christmas crockery started  done and love it.  Just 4 mugs to pick up tomorrow or Wednesday.
13) foil trays and plastic tupperware for leftovers.
14) Christmas Eve hamper/ box

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