
Saturday 3 January 2015

Chickywiggle's Bookshelf - 2015

I have decided to make better use of my Bookspot tab so am going to keep my ongoing list of what is on (and off) my bookshelf here.

Yes my list has reduced considerable, and noo you're right I've not read them all.  But I figured a lot of them have been there for 5 years or so and if I've not read them by now then lets be honest I'm not going to now.  

I have my favourite authors with books I've still to read and kept a few extras that I might read, but otherwise I'm going to try and sell or swap them.... so if you fancy taking a look.....

My bookshelf list:

Al Murry - the pub landlords book of british common sense
alice seabold - the lovely bones
audrey niffenegger -the time travellors wife
daisy waugh - the desperate diary of a country housewife
elizabeth noble - things I want my daughter to know
gervase phinn - head over heals in the dales
gervase phinn - the day our teacher went batty
how to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk.

jack sheffield - mister teacher
jodi picoult - keeping faith
jodi picoult - the pact
kim edwards - the memory keepers daughter

lindsey kelk - I heart new york
lindsey kelk - I heart paris
lindsey kelk - The Single Girls To Do List
roald dahl - someone like you
Sohie Hannah - The other half lives

sophie kinsella - I've got your number
sophie kinsella/ madeline wickham - a desirable romance
sophie kinsella/ madeline wickham - cocktails for 3
sophie kinsella/ madeline wickham - the gatecrasher
sophie kinsella/ madeline wickham - the tennis party
Steig Larsson - the girl who kicked the hornets nest
Steig Larsson - the girl who played with fire
Susan Lewis - the truth about you (present 25.3.14)
terry pratchett - carpe jugulum
terry pratchett - feet of clay
terry pratchett - interesting times

terry pratchett - lords and ladies
terry pratchett - men at arms
terry pratchett - monsterous regiment
terry pratchett - moving pictures
terry pratchett - night watch
terry pratchett - pyramids
terry pratchett - raising steam
terry pratchett - reaper man
terry pratchett - small gods
terry pratchett - soul music
terry pratchett - sourcery
terry pratchett - the amazing maurice and his educational rodents
terry pratchett - the fifth elephant
terry pratchett - the last continent
terry pratchett - the light fantastic
terry pratchett - the truth
terry pratchett - the wee free men
terry pratchett - thief of time
terry pratchett - thud
terry pratchett - witches abroad
terry pratchett - eric
terry pratchett - going postal
terry pratchett - guards! guards!
terry pratchett - making money
terry pratchett - snuff
tracy quan - diary of a jetsetting call girl
tracy quan - diary of a married call girl

Finished 2015

terry pratchett - I shall wear midnight
terry pratchett - unseen academicals
lindsey kelk - about a girl
lindsey kelk - I heart Hollywood
Sohie Hannah - The Carrier
georgia carter - the perfect christmas

Finished 2014

Sophie Hannah - A room swept white
J K Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone (added May 2014 to replace lent copy)
J K Rowling - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (added May 2014 to replace lent copy)
J K Rowling - Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkhaban (added August 2014 to replace lent copy)
stephanie calman - confessions of a failed grown-up
sophie kinsella - wedding night (present 25.3.14)
terry pratchett - the colour of magic
tracy quan - diary of a manhattan call girl
Susan Richards Shreve - You are the love of my life - review here
Mink Elliott - Just Another Manic Mum-Day- review here.

Sophie Hannah - Hurting Distance
Sophie Hannah - Little face
Sophie Hannah - The Orphan Choir
shane richie - rags to richie
terry pratchett -jingo
stephen gatley and boyzone: blood brothers
102 minutes
sophie kinsella - secret dreamworld of a shopaholic
carol mason - the secrets of a married woman
sophie kinsella - shopaholic abroad
sophie kinsella - shopaholic and sister
sophie kinsella - remember me
sophie kinsella - shopaholic and baby
sophie kinsella - shopaholic ties the knot
sophie kinsella/ madeline wickham - sleeping arrangements
sophie kinsella/ madeline wickham - the wedding girl
chelsea cain - kill you twice
gervase phinn - little gems
lisa sayer - stash envy
miranda dickinson - fairytale of new york
Steig Larsson - the girl with the dragon tattoo
terry pratchett - equal rites
terry pratchett - hogfather
terry pratchett - mort
terry pratchett - wintersmith
terry pratchett - wyrd sisters
terry pratchett maskerade

terry pratchett - Dodger
trisha ashley - the magic of christmas
sophie kinsella/ madeline wickham - swimming pool sunday
sophie kinsella - mini shopaholic
lindsey kelk - i heart london

Lindsey Kelk - I Heart Christmas
James Frey - Endgame (free preview copy  September 14)
mock the week - 1001 scenes we'd like to see
mock the week - funniest book of all time

What's on YOUR bookshelf??

Updated 17.7.15

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