
Saturday, 28 September 2013

Twitter Chats

I am absolutely loving the twitter community (there's something I never thought I'd say).

Through Twitter I have formed bonds with brands and companies I may never have heard off and have enjoyed working with all of them.

Yes I've also had my fair share of arguments with some people/ companies too.

I love how great it is for Networking - I have met new:

Parent Bloggers in the #Pbloggers chats on a Sunday night (9-10pm GMT)
Random people in the new #BlogHour on a Tuesday night (9-10pm GMT)

By using various Hashtags I can communicate with soo many people.
#ILoveS or #ILoveSheffield will get pretty much any post I write re-tweeted on other networks.

A search for #competition, #win, #fridayfreebie brings up just those..... all in one place.

I also have a facebook chat with some stitchy friends on a Sunday 8-9.

But yet there is no #christmasbloggers chat's the 1st of October on Tuesday - I think I will aim to get it trending - Saturdays 9-10pm GMT.  A time to chat about anything Christmas related.

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