
Monday, 3 February 2014

300 Picture Book Challenge - January progress

We missed the first 10 days of January (tho that doesn't mean we've not been reading books!), just forgotten what they are and not recorded.

10th January

We're a little late starting this challenge .
Last night we read Ben's special book he got for Christmas... Spiderman.  But not just any old Spiderman this one was special.  It featured him and his friends.  He loved it!

We got in from taking Ben to school today and the postman called. he bought with him Walking Through The Jungle - our prize from Mummy's Little Stars Barefoot Book competition.   Noah was engrossed in it ... (review to follow, keep an eye out).

Whilst writing my 'flashback friday' I shared the Poddington Peas story with the boys.

We finished the day by reading Thomas The Tank Engine: Charlie before bedtime.  We have the boxset of Thomas books as well as other specials and Noah does enjoy them.

Total to date:  4/ 300

11th January

Tonights bedtime story was Noah's centre of the story book. This was one I won just before Christmas The Mummy adventure's blog Noah in Jupiter on the Loose. (review to follow, keep an eye out).

Total to date: 5/ 300

12th January

Both boys chose a story at bedtime tonight.
Noah went with Artie Beat likes to.... and Ben with a classic in this house, Topsy and Tim go on an aeroplane.

Artie Beat is a great book I got when I was teaching from the British Heart Foundation.  It teaches children about exercise and keeping fit through an interactive colourful story.

Total to date:  6/ 300

Bonus Book

 The school reading book for this week was only changed once (bad parents), but Ben enjoyed reading us The Zip, one of the Oxford Reading Tree Stories every night.

Total to date:  7/ 300

13th January

Cranky (The Crane), another Thomas book was Noah's choice today, whilst Ben went with Letterland ABC.
Total to date:  9/ 300

14th January

We read one of our Julia Donaldson favourites tonight, The Gruffalo's Child..

Total to date:  10/ 300

Bonus Book

 The first school reading book of the week was Toads in the Road.

Total to date:  11/ 300

I am SURE we read more books this week, it's rare for the boys to go to bed without a story but I've not logged them :(

17th January

Ben wanted to read Walking Through The Jungle tonight as he'd missed out the first time round.  I think we read it 3 times in total!!

Total to date:  12/ 300

Bonus Book

 We changed Ben's book mid-week and he read  Silver Foil Rocket.

Total to date:  13/ 300

19th January

Dog in the Fog for Noah tonight.  These books are great for teaching phonics and rhyming words.

Total to date:  14/ 300

20th January

Ben chose Time for Bed, Spot and Noah, another Thomas book, Donald and Douglas.

Total to date:  16/ 300

Bonus Book

 Ben's school reader is  The Flying Elephant.

Total to date:  17/ 300

24th January

More Thomas... Haunted Henry.

Total to date:  18/ 300

25th January

Spiderman.... the one with Ben starring in it, mentioned earlier.

Total to date:  19/ 300

26th January

And yet more Thomas... Terence.  Followed by a rude favourite Who's in the Loo.

Total to date:  21/ 300


27th January

Bill and Ben.... do you think Noah likes Thomas books??

Total to date:  22/ 300

Bonus Books

 2 school readers: The Trunk and The Skunk and Barn Owls.

Total to date:  24/ 300


28th January

Emily.... guess whose choice?

Total to date:  25/ 300.

January Total - 25/300

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