
Wednesday, 5 March 2014

You Know You’re A Member Of "Bad Mums Club" When…

On probably the worst day, as a mummy, in my life I discovered the "Bad Mums Club" and knew it was a calling that I had to sign up for.

What made me such a bad mum I hear you ask?
Welll - you know those letters you get home from school just before half term, the sort you read and digest and put to one side, the sort you know will be etched in your brain so there is no point in looking at it again.

And you know how World Book Day is EVERYWHERE at the moment.....

And you know how you promised your son he could be a pirate on World Book Dress up day at school ..... that WBD event that was DEFINITELY on the Tuesday they went back......

....... And how it's all he's spoken about since Saturday.....

............ and you know when you get up at 6.45am to help them make an eye patch and decorate the pirate hat you found in Poundland.......

...........and get them dressed up ..... and kissed them goodbye as you went to work............

....................and you know that feeling when your husband rings you and asks you if you are SURE WBD dress up is today...........

..............and you say "yessssssss ..............why"

.........................and they say "because no other child is dressed up"....... don't know that feeling ........... that was just me then?

Apparently poor 5-year old Ben had to be dragged off daddy's leg kicking and screaming with the promise of doing an "important job" as they found him a school sweatshirt to wear.

So "Bad Mothers Club" Here's my subscription fee........

Tomorrow (yes I have double and tripled checked the letter) ben WILL be going to school as a Pirate.... officially .... again!  What a shame I appear to have misplaced the parents evening letter for this term.....


  1. Haha! I'll be in this club when Tia joins school I'm sure!

    1. be great to see you (in the nicest possible way :) )

  2. Oh no! This brought me out in a cold sweat. If I ever did that my daughter would never ever talk to me again... on second thoughts.. maybe you're onto something! haha!
    Welcome to the bad mums club! xxx

  3. Oh no, poor you and poor him. It's the kinda thing I dread.

    1. it's terrible. And to top it all I still got cornered about parents evening sign up so didn't escape **arggg**

  4. Oh I shouldn't laugh...but I am totally out of relief! At least you had a costume though!!! *silver lining*

    1. Thank fully we have a dressing up box of clothes (I'm not creative enough to make one) :)

  5. hahaha! Been there done that!
