
Saturday, 24 May 2014

Liberty Belle ... the new magazine to look out for....

Liberty Belle is a student-led magazine aimed at female students of Sheffield.  But don't let that put you off, don't stop reading.  It is equally interesting for 30something mums of 2 or for any men who are curious to know more about a woman's world *cough* birthday, Christmas *cough*.

I was concerned that having put my uni days behind me almost 10 years ago I may be a little old for Liberty Belle but they soon eased those worries, I'm even off to their Launch Party on Friday and cannot wait to feed back to you all.

Liberty Belle are fairly new to the magazine scene.  Beginning with a vision, and a team of 20, in September 2012 to give Sheffield's female students a voice and a place to find more about their city and living life on a budget.  This team of 20 is now a team of 70 who on 1st March released their first e-magazine.  They are now about to launch their first ever 64 page print edition.

Why not look at their teaser e-magazine for a taste of what they can do........

As someone who has never really been on the fashion/ beauty radar  I love their articles.  Students and mums have a lot in common .... we're both always after money saving hints and tips, quick fixes and ways to live on a budget.  Liberty Belle brings you just that.  I don't want to know how fantastic the £20 face mask from xxx store is ... however I may want to know how good the £1.09 Aussie mask is from Boots!

The gigs/ nights out section alongside their music and entertainment reviews will appeal to anyone who likes a night out in Sheffield.

Their 'give it a go' section is brilliant, but sadly for me a lot is in the University building which would count out the general population.  For it to appeal to a wider audience they need to have some sort of coding (even S and P) to differentiate whether you need to be a student to attend.  For example I would love to go to pole fitness (especially as it's a beginners class - I struggled in the local mixed group) or the cross stitch groups as they are lacking for general public venues I can access.

There are loads of other articles on Liberty Belle's blog that would appeal to any reader and I've had a great morning exploring the reasons why Sheffield is different to London or why one feature writer doesn't subscribe to Mothers Day (a major topic recently within the blogging community).    I'm not at all jealous that one writer got to go to the McBusted concert (much).

They are interested in hearing from anyone who wants to be involved in their magazine .... perhaps they could have a featured Sheffield blogger page in each issue (not saying my posts are anywhere near the calibre of their well written articles but I know plenty of others whose are)?

Liberty Belle's Launch Party

At 7pm on Friday 30th May Liberty Belle will hold their Launch Party.  It is open to everyone (student or not) over the age of 18.

They have a set list from indie pop band JAWS, a free drink on arrival, nibbles and a party bag stuffed with gorgeous gifts.

Proceeds from the event will go to charity and a raffle will also take place on the night with some amazing prizes up for grabs.

Tickets are only £11 and include a queue jump ticket/ £2.50 entry all night to Leadmill after the party.

Students get 10% off drinks with a valid student card. Proof of age will be required to purchase alcoholic drinks at the venue.

There is a limited number of tickets so don't miss out, buy your ticket now!

 Click here to buy your tickets Click here to buy your tickets 

 Join the event on facebook Join the event over on facebook

How can you contact Liberty Belle?

 Liberty Belle on Facebook  follow Liberty Belle on Twitter  Follow Liberty Belle on Bloglovin  e-mail Liberty Belle

Disclaimer:  I was sent free tickets to the Launch Party for this post, however the thoughts and opinions remain my own.

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