
About Me


I'm Laura, known on pretty much any internet social space as Chickywiggle.  I'm 32 and have 2 boys, Ben (6) and Noah (3) we live in Sheffield and love to try new products, let you know of our adventures and experiences and basically let you have a glimpse into our life.

How did Chickywiggle's Blogspot begin?

During 2008 I discovered where I became a mummy hen to the Cross Stitch Cafe, I started new threads and challenges bringing people together.  I really felt a part of a community on MSE but it wasn't enough (see here).  I had a diary that I updated as often as possible and got such a buzz from people comments on things I wrote so much so I decided to dabble in a blog and so Chickywiggle's Blogspot was born.  A space for me to ramble, for me to put my thoughts down and remind myself of adventures me and the kids go on.  If anyone chooses to read it WOW and when people to comment to let me know they've read it..... double WOW.

What type of blogger am I?

I can't think of myself as a parent blogger, my boys are well out of the potty training and weening stages and to be honest writing about their packed lunch every day would bore me to tears.

I can't be a beauty blogger ... yes I LOVE beauty meet ups, I'm loving re-igniting my passion from my days as a No7 girl but writing about mascara on a daily basis .... not for me.

Anyone who has seen my wardrobe will know I am far from a fashion blogger... but that's not to say the odd post about clothes and shoes won't appear.

I guess what I am trying to say is I'm a lifestyle blogger.  If an opportunity comes my way and I think I can do it justice I will grab it with both hands.  I strongly believe if you are passionate about something it shows in the way you write.

I have a PR opportunity to discuss how can I get in touch?

I love working with PR agencies and brands, so long as I feel you are a good match for me and my family.  Don't hesitate to contact me, what you see is what you get, I give good honest reviews, recommendations and write ups, being open and honest with my readers if I have received goods to review or if my experience was sponsored in any way.
I am more then happy to talk with you and find out what you want from me and to compose a blog post that works for you.

I love social media and when I'm not at work I can be found on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and more recently Google+.

You can also email me:

You can see a selection of brands I've worked with so far by clicking here or searching under 'review'.

Images and Amazon

Whilst I try to use my own images it's not always possible. If you spot yours on the site please take it as a compliment. If you would rather I remove it (or leave it with your details on) I will of course do so if you just let me know.

Please note my Amazon links are affiliate links.

So if you'd like to get in touch with an opportunity or if you just want to talk I'd love to hear from you.

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