
Friday 22 November 2013

Meal Plan - W/C 23rd November and 30th November

Two weeks shopping to order this week so therefore 2 weeks planning....

I'm only planning for teas.  Lunch is normally a sandwich, noodles, tinned spaghetti and sausages.

Week 1

Please please please do not think this weekend reflects how we always eat!!
After moving, painting, cleaning and unpacking all week the last thing I want is to spend time cooking... so I am going for quick (junk) meals..... I was thinking this will end up of one week of pure junk but actually as I'm off work it'll probably be healthier then whatever daddy would serve up.

[s]Saturday 23rd:  I have no idea .... probably spaghetti and sausages on toast or toasties :)

Sunday 24th: pizza and chips

Monday 25th: spaghetti and meatballs

Tuesday 26th: slow cooker chicken casserole in giant yorkies[/s]

Wednesday 27th: sausage pasta bake

Thursday 28th: Southern Fried chicken and chips

Friday 29th: spaghetti bolognaise


Week 2

Saturday 30th:  Will be at Magical Christmas today so tea will more than likely be sausage rolls and crisps on the train home.

Sunday 1st December: roast gammon dinner

Monday 25th: eggs on toast

Tuesday 26th: pasta

[s]Wednesday 27th: ham and cheese melt[/s]

Thursday 28th: sausage, mash and beans

Friday 29th: spaghetti and meatballs

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