
Friday 22 November 2013

Photo A Day - November 2013 - week 3 (15th to 21st November)

The main thread can be found here.  This page would soon get overcrowded tho so at the end of each week I will be moving them over onto their own post.

So here is week 3 - 15th to 21st November

15th November
Stupid Tesco and their stupid security seels

16th November
One of the last views from my back garden

17th November
Hillsborough Park in the Autumn

18th November
Pear and Cinamon muffins

19th November
Pretty Rainbow

20th November
First snow of Winter

21st November
Tea and chocolate (ok the chocolate had already been eaten*)
Thank You Crumpets and Coffee

*review to be done after house move - piccie of chocolate to be contained :)

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