
Sunday 10 November 2013

Meal Planning and Shopping w/b 8th November 2013

To start this week I did a large inventory of what was in the fridge/ freezer/ cupboards and tried to base my weeks meals around this as much as possible.  There have been a few bits I had to buy but I managed to keep this to less then £20.  Milk seems to be the most expense this week as we are drinking a lot more hot drinks with the current weather.

If you've been following my food shopping highs and lows you'll know my husband is very picky.  This stretches to the fact that unless we are having 'family meals' he will not be told what to eat on what day.  There is no point me telling him what to cook for the kids on certain days as history has shown he does not stick to it.

So my new meal plan format is as below (in no particular order).  If he chooses to have something different that he has found in the house (e.g. toasties) that's fair enough so long as it doesn't involve having to buy anything more.


  1. [s]leftover pasta carbonara[/s]
  2. sausage and mash
  3. steak bake and salad
  4. burgers
  1. Southern Fried Chicken steaks and waffles
  2. pizza and garlic bread
  3. Crispy Chicken steaks and chips
  4. Turkey Burgers and chips

  1. Hidden veg flipper dippers and noodles
  2. [s]leftover pasta carbonara[/s]
  3. Turkey dinosaurs and waffles
  4. pizza and garlic bread


  1. [s]Spaghetti Carbonara with bacon
  2. Roast Chicken dinner[/s]
  3. Tomato pasta bake with sausages
Yes I am well aware this is not the most healthy menu, but I am using up the contents of the house.  
I also find it hard to give the kids nutritious meals every day as I work Monday-Thursday so hubby is on tea duty those days and can just about put food on a tray in the oven.   

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