
Sunday 10 November 2013

Sparkly, Poppy, Rocky Road bites

If you've been reading a while you'll remember I posted Nigella Lawson's recipe for Rocky Road in my "Blog A Day September" challenge.   No.... well you can read it here.... or carry on reading for this weeks version.....

Now I'm not normally one to mess with a recipe.... in fact I'm the sort that if my muffins aren't cooked in the time the recipe says I panic as to what I've done wrong.

But with Nigella's Rocky Road I am all for playing and tweaking to get it just right.....

Today's ingredients:

125g soft butter
200g supermarket value dark/ plain chocolate (broken into pieces)
100g supermarket value milk chocolate (broken into pieces)
a dollop of golden syrup
100g supermarket value Rich Tea biscuits
100g supermarket value Ginger nut  biscuits
100g mini marshmallows
2 sachets of popping candy
edible glitter (for dusting)

The method

Melt the butter, chocolate and golden syrup in a microwavable bowl.  Be careful not to overheat it as it will burn. 

Put the biscuits into a freezer bag (a few at a time) and give 2 small children rolling pins and ask them to bash the biscuits into bits.  Watch the tears as they whack their fingers (they'll only make the mistake once)*.

Refill the bags after bits have gone in mouth and pray they eventually end up with 200g of crumbs and pieces of biscuits.

Put biscuit pieces and crumbs into the melted chocolate mixture, and give children spoons to mix it with.  Replace spoon after it has gone in mouth and pass to other child. 

Replace spoon again.  Clear biscuit crumbs off the table back into the bowl and do the job properly yourself.

Repeat with the marshmallows, replacing those that accidentally fall into mouths.

Stir in the popping candy.

Spoon into 2 foil trays and give children spoons to flatten the mixture.  Replace spoons due to licking and repeat.

Open the gold edible glitter left over from Christmas and watch as a it does not delicately sprinkle over the top of the Rocky Road.  Have a moment of madness and don't replace the lid properly.  Repeat 'sprinkling' of the silver glitter on boy 1's tray to a cry of "pretty glitter" as boy 2 covers the kitchen chair in remaining gold glitter.   Put whatever glitter you can find still in pots over the 3rd tray that you have filled.

Refrigerate until after tea-time ensuring it is used frequently as a bribe to eat their vegetables up.

Take the Rocky Road out the trays and cut into small pieces.

Serve into small boys fingers, making sure to leave some for yourself a cup of tea when you have finished cleaning fingerprints off the table/ cups etc

Store the rest in an airtight container..... who am I kidding if your family are anything like mine there won't be any left to store!!

*No children were actually harmed in the making of this treat, they made that error last time!!

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