When I caught a re-tweet about Christie Barlow's "A Year in the Life of a Playground Mother" I thought this is one I have to read, and I was lucky enough for her to send me a copy for my e-reader. That night I promptly ran myself a bath and Amazon Fire in hand started the book.
Less then 10% in I was nodding along and thinking YES this is our school playground. Just like Rachel Young, the main character in this novel, I thought the kids starting "Planet School" would be my chance to meet new people but no, due to work I only visit the school playground on a Friday afternoon, this makes me a bit of an outsider. In a way this is great as it gives me time to playground watch,not so much fun at the numerous parties you are obliged to make conversation at.
I could totally relate to this book pinpointing where the playground mafia stand and whose mothers they are. Just like Rachel I couldn't give a monkeys what I wear on the school run, hey if I could get away with my Eyeore onesie you betcha I'd wear it. How some of these mothers turn up with not a hair out of place and fully made up is beyond me. ... I mean they should be grateful I managed to remember what time pick-up was.