Monday, 30 June 2014

And the Liebster award goes to...

EEEEKKKKK My first ever award .... does a little happy dance.  Doesn't it look pretty......I'm just gonna pop it right there on my blog for everyone to see :)

Make It Monday - ham, cheese and crisp wraps

Getting the kids to eat bread in this house is like pulling teeth... seriously.  They hate the stuff (can't say I blame them, I'm not a huge fan).

Their latest obsession are thins, these go down a treat.  however this weekend with Kingsmill Wraps being at
the bargain price of 75p for 6 in Heron Foods we were persuaded to ditch the thins and try these.

The boys love them, they are reluctant to try them as pizzas yet (I can't wait to do this) as melted cheese is not a big hit in this house (yet store bought pizza is barley on the plate before it's gone... go figure).  However they are loving ham, cheese (and crisp) roll-up wraps, and it's something they can get involved with.

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Rivelin Park.... Water Splash

We went to our own, closer to home, water splash last week to see what it was like.  I love the fact it is virtually on our doorstep, has a wood, cafe and playground as well.  See here for my last Rivelin review.  

We did the usual, picnic, play and went for a REALLLY long walk, I think it was around 5 miles in total, and got lost.  But we loved the water splash.  This is the first time we've been as last year it was being dug up and renovated (yes, you could be forgiven for thinking I am talking about Clifton Park again) and in the years before........ well I didn't even know it existed.

The watersplash and paddling pool area is lovely, especially in the summer sun.

There are loads of little fountains for the kids to run in  and out of, a yellow bucket and shower to tip water onto heads and some little play tables with water running through them.  All of this on a nice, slip-resistant surface.  At one end is a large paddling pool for splashing fun which I has to fight to get them out of.

The toilets are literally seconds away for easy changing facilities....and the cafe is also on the gate of it (convenient eh!)

The boys had a fantastic time and we can't wait for the sun to come out again so we can head back.

Silent Sunday 29.06.14

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Clifton Park, Rotherham

With last weekends gorgeous sunshine we decided to pay Clifton Park a visit.

It's not too far away from us (20 mins on the train), and with an already paid for tram pass and a railcard means it's cheaper for us to go there for a day out then get a day rider bus ticket to the other side of Sheffield (ridiculous eh!)

If you are getting the train it takes less then half an hour to walk through the town to the park and is really easy to find (tho somehow we went a completely different way to last time).  Failing that you can get a bus there, the interchange is a short walk from the station.

Friday, 27 June 2014

***Important Mothercare Mattress Recall***

From the following link....     Please spread the word by Tweeting, facebook sharing etc.  Thank you

Thursday, 26 June 2014

The 30 day shred

Loose up to 20 pounds in 30 days

Unless you are my husband you will have heard of the 30 day shred. Jillian Michaels £5 DVD that everyone is raving about.  I know people who have lost a LOT through doing The Shred.  2 people at work are currently undergoing the torture in return for beach ready bodies. So I took the plunge last night and tried it for myself.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

That moment when just hearining one song can take you back 14 years ....

I blogged back in September that songs reminded me of moments in my life, but until tonight I hadn't remembered just how many remind me of ex-boyfriends.......

1999/ 2000 (ish) - around 18 years old - Dan.  Dan was lovely, he was my "oh my god how did I score someone like you" boyfriend......... I cannot listen to Queen's "Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy" without remembering him.  It was the tune he'd put on first whenever we went to the pub.

London Underground - update 25.6.14

I think my last London update was this in August 2013 (WOW 10 months ago) and it was just taking shape..

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Tuneful Tuesday - "Torn", by Natalie Imbruglia

Released during my childhood in 19997 (I was only 15, seems like forever ago) I loved Torn.  It's one of those songs that when you are feeling sad you can re-enact by mooching around the house and flopping on your bed.... or hugging your knees looking out the window....

It later became a huge feature of my 'break-up' playlist.

It's also extremely catch and ear-wormy due to its excessive repetition.

Monday, 23 June 2014

The most important outdoor event to hit Sheffield...........

...........and NO I am not talking about the Tour De France (this is a sore point... do not ask.. tho it may be blogged about)!.  No, I am talking about My Sleep Out.... well not MY sleep out but the one organised by the Cathedral Archer Project in Sheffield that we are aiming to take part in.

Hot Dog Spiders

This is one we made a while ago, at the beginning of the month, however it was only when I was taking the photo's off the camera earlier it reminded me I hadn't blogged about it.

So today's "Make It Monday" ....... "Hot Dog Spiders"

Saturday, 21 June 2014

The diary of a blogger not at Britmums Live

I am well aware I will loose followers and could well alienate myself from companies but I am a blogger who is not at #BritmumsLive

There I said it..... eek a parent and blogger who has not gone to Britmums .... am I for real?  Have I actually got a fully functioning brain?  Don't I know anyone who is anyone is at Britmums?  How on earth can I be expected to grow my blog if I don't make this yearly pilgrimage?

Now don't get me wrong I really wanted to go to Britmums, more then anything I wanted to be sat at that table in that sparkly tiara listening to some inspirational speeches.......I wanted to be sat in the hotel bar getting drunk with the best of them......I wanted to come away with a fantastic goody bag of great brands to try and review and publicise............ But the number 1 reason for me not being there .... I simply can't afford it!!!!

Friday, 20 June 2014

Flashback Friday - Round the Twist

"Have you ever
Ever felt like this?

When strange things happen
 Are you going round the twist?"

For most people going Round the Twist is may feel like an every day occurrence, for Linda, Pete and Bronson it really WAS an every day reality.

I loved Round The Twist.... well ok I loved the first 2 seasons (based on Paul Jenning's) books that aired on CBBC in 1989 and 1992.  The 2 later ones (2000 and 2001 passed me by, hence this post will focus on 1 and 2).

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Elevease Shower Step (White) - a review

A scene that most women will be familiar with .... you are doing that one legged hoppy dance around the shower while you try to shave your legs..... well Elevease is the answer!!

Available in Chrome or White, to match your other bathroom furnishings, the Elevease attaches to your wall with glue (however I have been assured it removes easily) making it stable and strong for use.

Women don't just shave in the shower tho, we carry out a million and one tasks (namely because if you are anything like me it is the only room in the house you can lock your children out of :) ).  so when the washing, exfoliating and nail clipping is finished you can use the step to help you apply your tanning or moisturising
products or nail varnish application... the possibilities are endless.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

300 picture book challenge - May Update


I am determined to do better this month to make up for being so bad in April.  
Here's our list so far....

Friday, 13 June 2014

Flashback Friday - Sharky and George

Sharky and George, crimebusters of the sea, 
Sharky and George, clear up any mystery. 

You sang it didn't you............... if not you must have missed the 52, 25 minute,  episodes.  

Meet the private investigator fish who lived at the bottom of the sea....  Sharky (a pink fish) and George (a blue fish with a yellow face).

Thursday, 12 June 2014

#bookadayuk June 12th I pretend to have read it.

I thought about this one (these topics are tricky) and thought, I don't lie about having read a book, if I've not read it I admit to it ....... then it dawned on me.... there is 1 book I have pretended to read .... Captain Corelli's Mandolin by Louis de Bernières.   Apologies now to Nora my old A-Level English Lit tutor and I hate to burst your bubble but I don't think 1 person in my class actually read this set text.

It was a sunny summer if I recall - it was bad enough being sat in an English lesson discussing the book without spending time reading it outside.

I did pick it up, I did kinda skim read it for important words and sentences.... but more often then not .... I read the York Notes.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

#bookadayuk June 10th Reminds me of someone I love

I was very stuck on this one...what book could possibly remind me of someone I love? Is it my copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows that I took to read on the beach in Rome on my honeymoon? Perhaps it Noah's favourite book at the moment, Superworm. No....

Is it memories of my mum reading me Toms Midnight Garden?  Or being reminded of my dad taking me to the cinema as a child whenever I read The Lion King to Ben?

No..... after careful careful consideration the book that best reminds me of the one I love has to be .....The biggest book in the contains over 1500 pages!!  Photographs,  descriptions .... prices and a catalogue number.

It comes in a range of colours and there is something in it for everyone.

Yes the book that most reminds me of a loved one (well I suppose I have to say that about my husband) has to be ..............

The "Laminated Book of  Dreams"......

The Argos Catalogue.

Monday, 9 June 2014

#bookadayuk June 9th Film or TV Tie In

I have to admit I am a sucker for books that tie into films or TV programmes.  Normally I end up disappointed that the film/ programme just hasn't done the book justice, or a scene/ character hasn't been portrayed in the way I thought they would be.  If I read it after the event I find them a bit harder as bits that have been missed out seem surreal when read in print as I can't hear the actors saying the words, or I get bored that they are not over with yet.

Sometimes I watch a TV program or film just because I have read the book and sometimes I buy the book to see what the show has missed out, or on the recommendation of friends.

Perhaps tho, one of the best set of TV tie in books are the Mock The Week ones.

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Made in Sheffield: Open Farm Sunday 2014 - Our Cow Molly Farm

It was only last weekend I was discussing visiting the Our Cow Molly farm with other Sheffield'iers.  Despite it being open Wednesday, Friday, Saturday's and Sundays 11-6 and less then half an hour from our house (on the bus) we've never been.  Sure I've THOUGHT about going but then something has cropped up and it's never happened.  But with it being Open Farm Sunday (#ofs) I didn't really have any more excuses.... did I?

Silent Sunday - 8 June 2014

#bookaday June 8th Have more than one copy

We don't tend to keep more than 1 copy of a book in this house, but The Gruffalo is one that we do have 2 copies of (one upstairs one downstairs).  This is becuase I bought the boys a copy as it's fantastic and then we got a second one in a big set of Julia Donaldson books.

Saturday, 7 June 2014

a rambly post

I never really know what to title these ones, they're a bit of general rambling, lots of things I want to post so I can keep a record (tho probably no ones cares about).

I hate rainy weekends with no plans.  I don't need to go anywhere, I have no kids parties to entertain the boys and can't really afford to take them anywhere.  I'm kinda hoping that the big play center they love have a freebie day tomorrow (as I certainly can't justify the £10+ to take them).

#bookaday June 7th Forgot I owned it

This one is sooo tricky.... how can you write about a book you've forgotten you owned..... when you have forgotten about it.

So this led me to my bookshelf ............. well actually........... my kids bookshelf........

When I was little all my books that I'd grown out of were stored in the loft, sadly after a leek I lost a lot,
however some survived - and "Cooking With Mother" is just that book.

Friday, 6 June 2014

#bookaday June 6th The One I always give as a gift

Such a tough tough choice as I don't tend to give books as gifts unless it is kids birthday presents, then they choose what they like.

I did however join in with World Book Night when it started and the 2 years following (sadly they didn't want me in 2014 :( ).

If you've not heard of World Book Night it is an annual celebration, run by the Reading Agency, which takes place on 23 April. Every year they ask for passionate volunteers to give hundreds of thousands of books away in their communities and share their love of reading with people who, for whatever reason, don’t read for pleasure or own books.

Flashback Friday - The Flintstones

Todays post has virtually written itself without me having to think of a flashback.  I was surfing the on demand kids programmes and came across "The Flintstones" ... not just that but Series 1 Episode 1 .... pure nostalgia.

The Flintstones has definitely withstood the test of time.  The animated television sitcom, produced by Hanna-Barbera, was initially broadcast from 1960 to 1966 and I cannot think of a year it hasn't been re-shown on one channel or another.

The Flintstones is about a working-class Stone Age man's (Fred Flintstone) life with his wife (Wilma) and his next-door neighbour and best friend (Barney Rubble and his wife Betty).  As the series went on both families were extended with the introduction of Pebbles (the Flintstone's baby) and Bam Bam (the Rubbles adopted child).

Thursday, 5 June 2014

#bookaday June 5th Doesn't belong to me.

I've had my fair share of 'acquired' books over the years.  Those ones someone lends you and they sit on your bookcase for years waiting to be read and by the time you do you've forgotten who you borrowed them off.  (likewise I have lost many many books the same way, like my first 3 Harry Potter ones which I need to replace).

By far the best, yet saddest story I have that doesn't belong to me is the Holly and Jessica story, Goodbye dearest Holly written by her father Kevin Wells.  

Shoutykid by Simon Mayle

"Hi there

My name is Harry Riddles and I’m ten years old, which my mum says is too young to have problems but she’s WRONG.

My dad just lost his job, so I need money to make my mega-amazing zombie movie and save this family, but there’s NO WAY I’m selling my Xbox! So I’ve written to the Queen, Harry Styles and a bunch of other famous people, who MIGHT lend me a hand, or a tenner, but so far no one’s written back…

If you have any bright ideas for making money I’d love to hear them.

Good luck and have fun.

Harry Riddles
P. S. If you wanna know how to get past level six on World of Zombies I can definitely help you out."

My boys are both shouty and obsessed with Zombies (I blame daddy's games) so when I found out about Shoutykid (full title:  Shoutykid, How Harry Riddles Made a MEGA-amazing Zombie Movie") I had to try and get a copy for our family.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

#bookaday June 4th Least favourite book by favourite author

 Whilst Sophie Kinsella IS my favourite author I do have many others I like.  One of whom is Terry Pratchett.  I am currently trying to read all of his books (pretty hard when he keeps releasing new ones) and last year was the turn of Jingo.

I just could not get into this book.  I don't know whether it was because I couldn't relate to the characters (but when can you with Pratchett's novels?)  or because the storyline was sooo busy.  Perhaps it was the theme of war that just doesn't appeal to me.  or maybe it was the long difficult names (they always put me off).   I did persevere and I did read it until the end but I simply did not like it.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

#bookaday June 3rd One with a blue cover

An easy peesy one this..... my current book..... Sophie Kinsella's Wedding Night.

This book is brilliant, it's laugh out loud funny in many many places.

As Fliss watches her little sister Lottie marry the wrong man she has to stop her and goes to every extent to make sure Lottie and Ben do NOT consummate their marriage on their honeymoon.

Alton Towers part 2 - let's explore a bit more

Like I said in the previous post my boys are becoming little thrill seekers.  Alton Towers is a lot stricter then Legoland height wise and we found that rides of 0.9m minimum at  Legoland were 1.1m at Alton Towers.

The biggest of these differences being the Spinning Spider (legoland) and the Marauder's Mayham (Alton Towers).  As far as we could tell these rides are in theory identical - you sit in a barrel and spin round, turn the wheel and you go faster.  Noah was soo excited but as we got closer we found he was too small.

Don't get me wrong I appreciate the map does very helpfully have the restrictions on it so I'm not saying we shouldn't have checked that first but you expect identical rides operated by the same chain (Merlin) to have the same restrictions.

Monday, 2 June 2014

Alton Towers part 1 - Cbeebies Land

Ever since the first advert Noah (yes, little 3 year old Noah) has asked almost daily when he will be going to CBeebies Land.  I must admit part of me wanted to go to just to see what the hype was .......... ok ok a
LOT of me wanted to go.  You see I'm a bit of a wuss when it comes to Theme Parks.  I wasn't taken to many as a kid as my mum and dad weren't keen which I think has almost given me a bit of a fear of the big rides (you'll not get me near the Smiler or Oblivian), I'm far more at home in a nice gentle car.

Even better we can get into  Cbeebies Land (Alton Towers) on our Merlin Passes and it only takes an hour and a bit to get there.  We stayed in Derby the night before on this occasion (but that's a story for another post).

#bookaday June 2nd Best Bargain

My best book bargain ..... ohhhh tough one.

Is it the Poddington Peas book I picked up at a boot sale for just 5p?  or the bundle of Puddle Lane books I got for £10 delivered?  Perhaps it is the one that cost me £7.99 but has been read constantly.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

silent sunday 1st June

#bookaday June 1st Favourite Book from Childhood

I have sooooo many favourite books from my childhood.  I loved reading Matilida, The Magic Finger, Miles and the Screwdriver, The Naughtiest Girl in the school series but by far the one that takes me back is the one I am currently reading with my oldest son "The Faraway Tree".

The series, written by Enid Blyton, take place in an enchanted forest in which a huge magical tree grows, The "Faraway Tree". The tree is so tall that the topmost branches reach into the clouds, within its trunk are small houses where magical folk live. The forest and the tree are discovered by three children named Jo, Bessie, and Fanny, who move into a house nearby, they soon learn of it's magic and the lands at the top of the tree and embark on exciting, and sometimes dangerous adventures to the lands in the clouds.

The first book in the series, The Enchanted Wood, was published in 1939  where the children first climb the Faraway Tree and meet it's inhabitants including Moon-Face, Silky the fairy, The Saucepan Man, Dame Washalot, Mr. Watzisname and the Angry Pixie. At the very top of the tree they discover a ladder which leads them to a magical land. This land is different on each visit, because each place moves on from the top of the tree to make way for a new land. The children are free to come and go, but they must leave before the land moves on or they will be stuck there until the land returns to the Faraway Tree.