This week has been a bit quieter on the Christmas front, mainly because I had an interview (didn't get the job.... pfft ... their loss - wasn't my dream job so not all that bothered.).
Still got 2 pressies to get and about to get an Albelli voucher to make my grandparents their photobook.... that's this afternoons job so I can get it ordered. I did make one in Photobox but it was expensive and rubbish compared to this type.
We have at least decided on Morrisons for our Christmas crockery and I'm going to make sure it is packed away safely so it can come out year on year and become traditional. (post to follow soon)
Tree is due to go up next weekend and at the moment I still cannot get in the cellar to get to any of the decorations and stuff so that's on the list for this week.
I also really want to get the playroom finished so we can use it as storage over December. It still needs prepping, papering and painting.
This weeks Organised Christmas planning suggests I focus on the dining room.... well they're not wrong there it is a mess!!! Not least of all because we are waiting for our new tumble dryer to be delivered (just what you need to break in the middle of November isn't it!!)
- Clean the window and windowsill
- Empty all drawers, shelving etc. Put back - or put in other places if they don't belong there.
- Declutter! (bin? charity? some where else? storage?)
- Remove all furniture, and clean the floors and baseboards.
- Dust/ clean furniture
To-Do list update.
1) complete Christmas card list - yes I know, so easy but I've still not done it.
2) sort out the living room - must shift/ sort out the Lego .... I started ... well ok I did 2 small models Lego is now upstairs and the room is getting there. I must remove all the paper bits that get dumped around and prepare to switch the books over to winter themed.
3) make up the Christmas cards .... do I need any more?
6) start meal planning and plan Christmas Day meal - start a list of food to buy and when to buy it.
7) sort out the Christmas crockery/ table covers etc - started
18) Kids room tidy (from week 6)
Shelves/ cupboards - examine, toss/save/donate, replace onto shelves.
Games/ Puzzles - sort them out and bin any with missing pieces.
Get rid of old magazines, old McDonald toys, toys in pieces, broken crayons, non-functional pens.
Clothing - too small, old?
Clean the windows, dust any wooden furniture.
19) Kitchen
Clean and tidy the wall units, then the bottom cabinets then the counters.
Check any open boxes of food/ storage for bugs
Wipe down empty shelves
Check medicines for expiry dates
Clean all appliances inside and out (refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave, toaster, hob, oven) Sink - don't forget to send cleaner down the u-bend.
20) make place cards
We are pretty prepared for Christmas present wise now... just a few bits to get....
Christmas shopping list
1) Kids - Tablet...each/ between them? On the lookout for a good deal if anyone sees one. I think we've settled on the Lexibook.between them for now.
5) hubby's presents ... whatever they end up being. one down, just need to find a gold chain to replace the one he's had for years that broke.
8) wrapping paper - I have some but need to get the ones for the kids.
9) Medicine stash
10) First Aid stash
11) New Christmas Towels
12) Christmas crockery - started
13) foil trays and plastic tupperware for leftovers.
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